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- 1 CINEMA 4D - Message
- 3 Unable to open window
- 5 Not enough memory
- 6 Unable to open file
- 7 Unable to close file
- 8 Unable to read file
- 9 Unable to write file
- 10 Unable to position in file
- 11 Unable to delete file
- 12 Not enough memory! Repeat?
- 100 Unknown file format
- 2000 All Files (*.*),*.*
- 2001 All Files (*.*),*.*,Windows-Bitmap (*.bmp),*.bmp,Amiga-IFF (*.iff),*.iff,JPEG (*.jpg),*.jpg,TIF-Format (*.tif),*.tif,Targa (*.tga),*.tga
- 2002 All Files (*.*),*.*,CINEMA 4D (*.c4d),*.c4d,DXF (*.dxf),*.dxf,Lightwave (*.lwo),*.lwo,Lightwave-Szenen (*.lws),*.lws,Imagine (*.iob),*.iob,QuickDraw 3D (*.q3d),*.q3d,DEM (*.dem),*.dem
- 2004 Directory (*.*),*.*
- 2005 All Files (*.*)
- 2006 CINEMA 4D (*.c4d),*.c4d,CINEMA V3 (*.c4d),*.c4d,DXF (*.dxf),*.dxf,QuickDraw 3D (*.q3d),*.q3d
- 2008 Preferences (*.prf),*.prf,All Files (*.*),*.*
- 4007 Too many points
- 4008 Object too complex
- 4011 Please select two independet objects
- 4012 One object isn┤t a volume object
- 4023 Light
- 4031 Morph Object
- 4032 Path Object
- 4033 Skin Object
- 4034 Rotate Object
- 4035 Extrude Object
- 4046 Text Object
- 4078 Please select an object
- 4085 Object Group
- 4099 Not enough memory to align|or orientate faces
- 4120 Cover Surfaces
- 4124 Angle step too large for the number of subdivisions
- 4133 Object needs at least 3 points
- 4134 Please select two neighbouring points
- 4135 Please select a single point
- 4139 Object not found or Object is identical
- 4162 Upper Body
- 4163 Neck
- 4164 Upper Arm
- 4165 Lower Arm
- 4166 Thigh
- 4167 Shin
- 4168 Hand
- 4169 Foot
- 4170 Head
- 4171 Joint
- 4173 The Sun will not be generated as it is below the horizon
- 4237 Axis
- 4238 Light
- 4239 Plane
- 4240 Cone
- 4241 Torus
- 4242 Disc
- 4243 Triangle
- 4244 Cube
- 4245 Cylinder
- 4246 Sphere
- 4247 Fractal
- 4248 Relief Map
- 4249 Rectangle
- 4250 Pyramid
- 4251 Tetrahedron
- 4252 Line
- 4253 Circle
- 4254 n-Sided Spline
- 4255 Star
- 4256 Flower
- 4263 Figure
- 4344 Surface
- 4345 Sphere
- 4346 Floor
- 4347 Sky
- 4348 Spline
- 4349 Light
- 4350 Camera
- 4476 Please select a spline
- 4480 Face 1
- 4481 Face 2
- 4482 Face 3
- 4483 Face 4
- 4484 Face 5
- 4485 Face 6
- 4488 Cylinder
- 4489 Cover Surface 1
- 4490 Cover Surface 2
- 4497 Cone
- 4498 Floor
- 4512 Rounding
- 4513 Rounding 1
- 4514 Rounding 2
- 4515 Cover Surface
- 4516 Cover Surface 1
- 4517 Cover Surface 2
- 4545 Too many subdivisions
- 4575 Magnet
- 4578 Please select a different start and end angle
- 4582 Centre
- 4592 -
- 4593 %ld KBytes
- 4594 Full
- 4598 ------------
- 4599 ------------
- 4653 Unable to subdivide complete object
- 4658 Yes
- 4659 No
- 6002 No Cinema 4D file
- 6004 Too many points, edges or faces
- 6010 ATTENTION: Do you want to overwrite existing picture files?
- 6011 Too many objects
- 6012 Unable to find bitmap %s|(%s)
- 6014 Unable to load bitmap %s|(%s)
- 6018 Too many edges
- 6019 Please select an object group
- 6020 A Sphere or Light source with sub-objects|cannot be joined
- 6021 This objects contains different typs of objects. Do you want to lose these types?
- 6024 Floor
- 6025 Sky
- 6026 New
- 6027 Camera
- 6028 Untitled
- 6042 Sun
- 6043 F
- 6044 Default material
- 6045 Wrong value|Select value greater than %s
- 6046 Wrong value|Select value greater or equal than %s
- 6047 Worng value|Select value less than %s
- 6048 Wrong value|Select value less or equal than %s
- 6049 Wrong value|Select value greater than %s| and less than %s
- 6050 Wrong value|Select value greater or equal than %s| and less than %s
- 6051 Wrong value|Select value greater than %s| and less or equal than %s
- 6052 Wrong value|Select value greater or equal than %s| and less or equal than %s
- 6053 Wrong value|Select value diffrent to %s
- 6054 Wrong input|Fill in text
- 6055 Inserting objects...
- 6056 Preparing...
- 6058 Rendering...
- 6059 Saving...
- 6064 Rendering complete
- 6066 Voxelspace required
- 6067 No Voxelspace required
- 6075 Filtering...
- 6077 Computing depth of field
- 6087 Render Settings
- 6088 General
- 6089 Display
- 6091 Flat Shading
- 6092 Gouraud Shading
- 6096 Floor
- 6097 Sky
- 6098 Camera
- 6099 S
- 6100 Global Colour
- 6101 Fog
- 6102 Front Layer
- 6103 Back Layer
- 6104 Sun
- 6105 Environment
- 6106 Preferences
- 6107 Invisible
- 6108 Edit material
- 6110 Colour
- 6111 Transparency
- 6112 Reflection
- 6113 Enviroment
- 6114 Fog
- 6115 Bump
- 6116 Genlocking
- 6117 Highlight
- 6118 Highlight-Colour
- 6119 Luminace
- 6120 Please select material
- 6121 Window
- 6122 R
- 6123 G
- 6124 B
- 6125 H
- 6126 S
- 6127 V
- 6128 Environment
- 6131 General
- 6132 Output
- 6133 Lens Effects
- 6135 General
- 6138 Visibility
- 6139 Scaling
- 6140 Direction
- 6141 Spline
- 6142 Camera
- 6143 Environment
- 6144 Light
- 6145 Texture2
- 6146 Texture3
- 6147 Texture4
- 6148 Inv. Kin.
- 6149 Morphing
- 6150 Explosion
- 6151 Texture5
- 6152 Wind
- 6153 Pulsate
- 6154 Vibrate
- 6155 Texture1
- 6156 Position
- 6157 Please select track
- 6158 Please select sequence
- 6159 Please select key
- 6160 Please select sequence or key
- 6162 Please select track or sequence
- 6163 This object has no parameters for animation
- 6164 The left/right border of the sequence overlaps with the|neighbouring sequences. Choose different sequence borders
- 6166 Alternative Paths
- 6167 This object has no texture
- 6168 Point
- 6169 Edge
- 6170 Triangle
- 6171 Quadrangle
- 6172 Please select hermite spline
- 6173 Only works with planar projection
- 6174 Do you want to smooth sub-objects?
- 6176 Not available in demo version
- 6177 Please select spline
- 6178 Please select existing object
- 6179 Rendering lens effects...
- 6180 This function deletes data of the source/target object. Do you want to continue?
- 6181 Please select material
- 6182 Please select different numbers
- 6183 Part %li
- 6184 Do you really want to close the document?| All unsaved changes will be lost!
- 6185 Maximum number of documents reached
- 6186 Filter
- 6187 Quicktime VR
- 6189 Preparing scene...
- 6190 Invalid pixel ratio
- 6192 Wrong active object
- 6193 Wrong active tag
- 6194 Wrong selected material
- 6195 Melt
- 6196 Wrong name|Object %s
- 6198 Wrong up link|Object %s
- 6199 Wrong document link|Object %s
- 6200 Double tag|Object %s Nr. %li
- 6201 Wrong bounding box||Object %s
- 6203 Misaligned edge|Object %s
- 6204 Wrong edge, triangle or quadrangle|Object %s
- 6205 Unnecessary faces (no error)|Object %s
- 6206 Defective spline|Object %s
- 6207 Lonely PEDIT tag|Object %s
- 6208 Defective texturer|Object %s
- 6209 Lonely KOADR||Object %s
- 6210 Defective sphere|Object %s
- 6212 Unknown tag|Object %s
- 6213 Object has more than one type|Object %s
- 6214 Document is error free
- 6215 Number of frames: %li
- 6216 Action
- 6217 Textures
- 6219 Objects
- 6223 Pipe
- 6224 Helix
- 6225 Edit
- 6226 View
- 6227 Options
- 6228 Not enough layers
- 6229 All layers must have the same number of hole splines
- 6231 Light symbol
- 6232 Spline symbol
- 6233 Point symbol
- 6234 Edge symbol
- 6235 Triangle symbol
- 6236 Quadrangle symbol
- 6237 Camera symbol
- 6238 Texture symbol
- 6239 Smoothing symbol
- 6240 Display symbol
- 6241 Animation symbol
- 6242 Floor symbol
- 6243 Sky symbol
- 6244 Sphere symbol
- 6245 Environment symbol
- 6247 Ellipse
- 6248 Square
- 6249 Rectangle
- 6250 Triangle
- 6251 U Profile
- 6252 L Profile
- 6253 T Profile
- 6254 Trapezium
- 6255 Diamond
- 6256 Segment
- 6257 Cog Wheel
- 6258 Parallelogram
- 6259 Ring
- 6260 Layer
- 6261 Sector
- 6262 Kite
- 6263 Environment
- 6264 End
- 6268 Align to Path
- 6269 Align to Object
- 6270 The specified name already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file?
- 6271 Rel. Position
- 6272 Rel. Scale
- 6273 Rel. Angle
- 6274 Position
- 6275 Scale
- 6276 Direction
- 6277 Scale
- 6278 Centre
- 6279 Offset
- 6280 Zoom
- 6281 Focus
- 6282 Do you really want to quit?|All unsaved changes will be lost.
- 6283 Path %li
- 6284 Group %li
- 6285 Layer %li
- 6286 CINEMA 4D doesn┤t know the path of this bitmap.|After reloading CINEMA 4D will not find it again.
- 6287 This document is already open. Do you want to open it with the same name and title?
- 6288 Unnamed
- 6289 Zero object
- 6290 Bone
- 6291 Unable to find file %s| Do you want to choose a different object?
- 6292 Line %li
- 6293 Object Group
- 6294 Frame: %li of %li
- 6296 Time: %limin %lis
- 6297 Material %s
- 6298 Front Layer
- 6299 Back Layer
- 6300 Rendering shadow map %li...
- 6301 The Raytracer is tracing at the moment! Do you really want to restart the Raytracer?
- 6302 There is no filename specified for the rendered image.|Do you want to continue without saving?
- 6303 Output without saving
- 6304 Empty object
- 6305 Version %s US
- 6306 Demo Version
- 6307 Double precision version
- 6308 Special thanks to:
- 6309 Images + Animations: Can Gⁿneytepe
- 6310 Look: Kay Tennemann
- 6311 Tutorial + Books: Lothar Mai, Michael Giebel
- 6312 Mac-Resources + Layout: Ulrike Kurz
- 6313 Betatesting:
- 6314 Lothar Mai, Sammy Fischer, Thorsten Meyer, Jens Neubauer,
- 6315 Ralf MeckenhΣuser, Axel R÷sgen, Marc Gumpinger, Gerhard Lier,
- 6316 Sabine Losch, Peter Bauer, Dirk Beichert, Thomas Scherhag,
- 6317 Bernd Gutmann, Manfred Zimmermann, Harald, Horry, Chris and ZZ.
- 6318 Ulrike + Beate we love you
- 6319 Objects cannot be aligned to themselves
- 6320 Objects cannot be morphed to themselves
- 6321 Seconds
- 6322 Frames
- 6323 Do you want sub-objects to be included?
- 6324 Manual.pdf
- 6325 The file "Manual.pdf" is missing
- 6326 here
- 6327 here
- 6328 Choose drawer
- 6329 Open file
- 6330 Save file
- 6331 %s
- 6332 DBL
- 6333 Wrong serial number
- 6334 Please type your full name
- 6335 Please type your full adress